Sunday, 15 January 2012

Give Me A Chance

I blinked and bit my bottom lip, sighing, I pushed my hair back in a bun, and put on a deep cleaning mask, which was blue in colour. I nodded my head back and forth to my mellow music playing in the background, I just got Nickelback's new album, Here and Now, and I'm so far loving the guitar solos from Ryan Peake and Mike Kroeger, and hearing Chad Kroeger's breathtaking voice sing the lyrics. I think I'm in heaven now. It's my first day tomorrow, going to school at Glenrosa Middle, and I just moved from Ontario. I didn't personally want to move, but I guess it's a good, fresh new start here.

My mother called me to get up this morning,
"Elizabeth! Get your butt outta bed, right now!" she screamed from upstairs,
I woke up with a jolt, mornings isn't really my thing so lazily got out of bed and rubbed my face. I petted my dog, Timmy and gave him a sweet little kiss on his fuzzy head. I sighed at my clothes hanging in my closet, I thought to myself, I would just wear sweats but I need to have a good first impression. So I chose a black silk skirt that just reaches my knee with a elastic band on top also I put a purple belt so my white blouse would puff out at the end, my white blouse was a V-neck. I rolled on my favourite lacy leggings on my long tanned legs then squirted on my best perfume, Princess by Vera Wang. I expertly put on my makeup, white eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black mascara and plumping- kissable red lipstick. Then I used my shimmering blush and put it on my cheekbones. I'm ready to go to school now.

At school, people look at me, as I clip-clop down the hallways looking at my class list. my hair was curled and I was lightly biting my lip, bad habit. The boys gave me a second look, but I didn't even turn my eyes toward them. I don't need boys. But then I saw this boy who didn't even give me a look, strange... I shifted my eyes towards him, he's cute. Blue eyes, tall, brown hair and a dimple. Dang. The door I turned towards was my first class so I walked through the door, and looked around the class. It was very bright... too bright. The teacher, Mrs.Meerish was smiling at me,
"Hello, Elizabeth!" she held out her hand for to shake it, and I took it,
"Hi, you can call me Lizzy..." I gave her a toothy smile and shrugged up my backpack strap,
Mrs.Meerish nodded, "Class hasn't started yet, but I guess I'll show you what we've been doing!" she ushered towards her desk and I sat down on a chair beside it, and she blabbered on about things that she's been teaching and I answered some questions about my old school back in Ontario.

The bell rang and I was sitting in this group of four, and whoever walked in gave me a glance and smile, I did a faint but nice smile. Then that cute guy from the hallway came in, I thought to myself, you gotta be kidding me! God, thank you! I grinned to myself and twirled a piece of my brown curly hair. Two girls sat beside me and I got all stiff and stubborn. I didn't want people sitting beside me! I'm new, it's weird! They both started to converse with each other. Both of them girls, but there was one empty seat in front of me. That cute guy sat there. I lightly blushed and he smiled at me,
"Hi." he said in a deep voice, his blue eyes shining,
I did my best smile, "Hi.",
"New?" he asked,
I nodded, "Ya, I came from Ontario." the other girls started to look at us,
He raised his eyebrows, "Wow. Long way!" Then he held out his hand, "I'm Josh, and you are?" he beamed,
I took his hand, and shook it, my heart thumping in my chest, I'm surprised it hasn't breaked any of my ribs yet, "I'm Elizabeth, but called me Lizzy, please." he nodded and pulled his hand away,
"OK." he replied, then the second bell rang, and my mouth got really pasty. The teacher started her lesson, and all through it, I was every so often looking his way.

At the end of the day, I was happy, well kinda happy to get on the yellow school bus. I just wanted to go home and relax. I had no homework, because I'm just that cool. When I got home, I threw my backpack on the floor, but out of the way, then I walked briskly to my room and sat on my bed, and took off my heels and clothes and switched into comfy sweats and a baggy T-shirt. I shoved on my blue bunny slippers and walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. My parents weren't home from work, which was good, I kinda didn't want to tell them about my first day, it's a little boring. Rather than my meeting a cute guy, but that's besides the point.

It was bedtime, I grabbed my favourite book and started reading. Timmy jumped up on my bed and made a nest in my blankets and growled when I moved my foot,
"Ooh shush, my boy" I looked up from my book and petted Timmy for a while then went back to it. I started to get a little sleepy and my eyes started to droop. So I set my book on my dresser and went to the washroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, then I shuffled into my room and turned on 99.9 Sun FM and put my radio on sleep mode for 50minutes. I curled up in my warm blankets and slowly let the sleep take me over. Making me all limp and calm, I wanted to dream about Josh, but I never got around to it, so I just fell asleep.

All night, I tossed and turned, I just can't fall asleep in this new house. We've only been here for a week, but it feels like a year. I got up for another 6 hour day at school. My phone chimed a ring, I got a text! It was from my best friend back in Ontario, Diana. Smiling, I answered and told her all about Josh and that I miss her. Then Diana told me all about her first day in the private school in Ontario, that same private school I used to go also. It was uber fancy and all of the students were uber smart. I got straight A's and I had no struggle threw my years of schooling. But the down side was we had wear these itchy fleecy skirts, knee- high socks and nurse shoes. No one liked them. I mean, expect for the teachers of course! I decided to wear black skinny jeans and holding them a black and white checkered belt. For my top it was a short sleeved forest green top, that draped over my body perfectly. It outlined my figure pleasantly, and completed my eyes, because they are hazel in colour. My brown hair was straightened today, and it framed my face because of the layers that were just cut a couple weeks ago. I decided to have earthy tones for makeup and brown bangles on my wrists. I also slid on a ring that had a ribbon heart on it as costume jewelry. For shoes I just wore brown flats. I think this outfit is perfect!

When I got to school, I had totally different classes today, I seriously have to memorise these because I swear I'll go to another class, that would be embarrassing! Walking, the girls in my class that were looking at Josh and I talking yesterday, came up to me,
"Hi, your Elizabeth?" the blonde one asked,
I smiled a little, "Lizzy" I corrected her, she obviously didn't like that,
"Oh, sorry. So Lizzy, you look like a nice girl..." she carried on, "I'm Nattie, and this is Sabrina." she hooked her thumb over to the red head girl and she smiled at me, I waved to her,
"Nice to meet you." I said kindly,
The red head, Sabrina spoke up, "I like your outfit!" I looked over at my outfit,
"Thanks, yours too..." I gestered towards hers, it was actually pretty cute, white leggings with a little pink skirt then a demin jackets with a yellow tank underneath,
The blonde, Nattie gave me a tight smile, "Do you have any talents?" she asked,
I hesitated, I don't exactly talk about my hobbies, "Ya, I sing and act." I smirked a little,
Both of them raised their eyebrows, "Oh well, we do to! Lets hear you!" Nattie smiled, I already figured out she's the leader out of the two,
"Uh, I'd rather not..." and thank goodness, the bell rang to save me, "There's the bell! Don't wanna be late!" I pulled up my backpack strap and walked fast towards the staircase, not looking back.

In class, Josh was there and he had a seat open beside him,
"Mind if I sit there?" I asked him, kindly, well he's kinda the only friend I really have here, I guess,
Josh looked at me, "Ya sure! Totally!" then he pulled in his own chair and I squirmed into the seat, and smiled at him, then he tried to make conversation, "How was your first day here?" he asked,
I shrugged, "It was pretty good, I just met two nice girls, Sabrina and Nattie...",
Josh snorted, "They aren't nice...",
I raised my eyebrows, "Uh what?" I turned more towards him, interested,
"Well, they are the 'popular' girls. And they 'rule' the school... they are just mean." he shrugged, "Nattie thinks she owns me..." he smirked and ran his fingers threw his lush brown hair with his blue eyes slightly going darker,
I laughed, "Funny." Then Nattie and Sabrina saw us sitting together, and Nattie did that tight smile again because I smiled at her, then she poked Sabrina in the shoulder to push her towards us,
"So you know Josh?" Nattie asked,
"Uh ya, he introduced himself yesterday..." I thought to myself, you were kinda there...
"You were there, don't act dumb, Natalie..." I looked at him, and thought to myself again, wow, Nattie or should I say Natalie just got told! Sabrina smirked and did a little chuckle, then Nattie gave Josh a stern look,
"Watch what your saying." she told him then walked away and Sabrina followed her, I started to laugh more because I just couldn't hold it in anymore, and Josh just looked at me, smiling,
"You told her." I laughed,
Josh chuckled, "She doesn't scare me, but she will hate you now, by the way.",
I searched his face for any kind of a hint of a joke, "Thanks tips." I lightly punched his shoulder.

At lunch, Josh asked me if I'd like to hang out with him and his buddies, I didn't have anything else to do so I was just going to be nice and go. Josh's buddies were all taller than me and really handsome. All of them were actually pretty nice, but all of them joked about us being a couple.
"Oh, c'mon Josh, please don't tell me she's not your girlfriend!" One of his buddies laughed, his name was Todd and he was like 6 feet tall and blonde, oh did I mention that they were all football or hockey jocks? Josh blushed a little, "Sorry, bro, but no." I kept really close to Josh because I didn't want to get squashed by one of these big boys! Todd laughed,
"Well she's a keeper." another one of Josh's friends said, he was also really tall, his name is Ryan, he was the 'nicer' one of the crew,
Josh punched him in the shoulder, "Let's go outside..." he totally ignored the comment Ryan made and started to walk and I followed him, a couple stared at us, probably wondering why I was with a group of jocks, and thank gosh Nattie and Sabrina didn't see me. Josh looked behind him then slowed down to walk beside me and smiled down at me, and I returned the smile.

Lunch was over, and Josh and I walked to our next class together Nattie and Sabrina were leaning in the door way,
"Damn, Josh, another toy?" Nattie smirked at me, and I got heated inside then when I walked through the door, Sabrina put out a foot, making me stumble then Nattie kicked me from behind the knee, making me, One, spill my coffee all over my shirt, and Two, fall over and hit my head really hard on the floor. Josh rushed to my side and glared at the two girls who were laughing, and whoever was in the room at the time, he helped me up and I was trying not to either hurt one of them, or burst out crying. The coffee was going to leave a big stain and my head hurt,
"Next time, Lizzy," Nattie spat at me, "Pick a different school for you to..." and I decided not to listen to her and drifted off into the blackness, all I heard was a couple bad names and Josh yelling at Nattie. I also saw Josh's worried eyes look at me as I started to faint.

I woke up in the school's nurse station, I rubbed my forehead, waking up with a headache isn't the best way to wake up. Josh was sitting in the corner, his elbows on his knees looking at the blank wall. I shifted my body to have a better look at him,
"You stayed?" I whispered at him, he moved his head fast towards me, I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash,
"I wouldn't let them make me go." he smiled, got up and walked towards me, "Are you OK?" he asked, worriedly,
"I'm fine. Just a headache. They are mean." I smiled a little,
Josh started to throw out a whole bunch of curses, "Yes. They are." he smirked, "Your parents are really busy I'm guessing?" he asked,
I raised my eyebrows slightly, "They work. Why?",
Josh looked at me intently, "They wouldn't come."
My heart burned, I just fricken fainted cause these too stupid girls tripped me, "Ouch." Then I looked at my shirt, the coffee stain was still there, "Thanks, Josh." I reached up to give him a hug, but he bent down and gave me a hug instead, he smelled really good, he was wearing a nice smelling Axe scent. Josh pulled back and held me by the shoulders, "Your a good person, Lizzy. I don't understand Nattie and Sabrina. I used to date Nattie but she still thinks we are dating I guess..." I shrugged lightly, "Lizzy, the reason I stayed was because I like you." I blushed,
"Your too cute, Josh. I like you too." I smiled bigger,
Josh sighed in relief, "Good." he nodded sternly.
This was a good day, but not the minor concussion part, that was the down turn part of it.

My mom came to pick me up,
"Those girls need to get a tune up." my mom ranted, "I'm very sorry I couldn't come sooner. I'm sure you were in good hands." I smiled,
"Very good hands, mom." I just found out Josh likes me, he stayed with me because he likes me. I need to tell Diana, so I pulled out my phone and typed her a short text saying that. Diana replied almost instantly,
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YOU NEED TO DATE HIM!!!! I laughed to myself, and typed back,
Diana, darling, don't worry. I need to go though. hugs- Lizzy, I turned off my phone and shoved it back into my bag. I need Josh's number, I remember I saw him texting Ryan in class today. When I got home, I got on my comfys and fell asleep, my mom woke me up when it was dinner time, we had mashed potatoes, roast beef and corn, yum! I love my mom's cooking, we rarely get it because she's always working.

At school, I saw Josh, he was on his phone sitting on a planter, he looked really refreshed and cuter than ever, I walked up to him, backpack on my shoulder and my binder in my arms,
"Hi Josh." I was today wearing grey sweats that had my old school's name on them then Tigers on the butt and a pink baggy shirt that was tyed up in the back with a black undershirt underneath, the pink baggy shirt had a tiger on it also. My hair was done up in a messy ponytail, and for makeup I just had black eyeliner on. And also, since my private school didn't allow piercings, even though I had a lip piercing, I decided to put it in again, it was just a black hoop. Josh looked up at me,
"You look really different today, Lizzy." he looked me over,
I shrugged, "This is what I look like at home, so I guess you should see it." I smiled,
Josh smiled at me, "You have a lip ring."
I blushed, "Mhmm.", then I looked at his phone, "What's your number?" I asked him, pulling out my phone, which was a Android, it was blue and white,
Josh looked at my phone, "Here take mine, and enter your number." I took his phone, and he took mine, and I typed my name and number really fast then we exchanged the phones back. Josh smiled and looked at my contact, "I need a nickname for you." he said, flirting.
I raised my eyebrows, "Do you now?" I laughed, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nattie and Sabrina glaring at us, Josh didn't seem to realise, "Ya. How about..." then he stroked his chin, thinking, "Tiger." he laughed, pointing at my shirt, I laughed too,
"Sounds good!" then I saw him changing my contact name from Lizzy to Tiger, "You should be..." I started to think, "Yogi." I laughed harder, he looked at me, and laughed along, "Yogi Bear?" he tried to say without laughing, I nodded, while laughing,
"Yes, Yogi Bear!" I stopped laughing when Nattie and Sabrina came over,
"What are you doing here?" Josh looked at them, not laughing, but clenching his fists, I put a hand on one of his fists, wrenching it open then intertwining our fingers together, Nattie looked at them,
"Lizzy, you think your so tough..." she looked at her lip ring, "Just because you have a lip ring, doesn't mean, crap." I straightened up, and looked at Josh, who was looking at me,
"I guess I'm right, hey Josh?" I looked back at Nattie with a cool stare, "Blondes are dumb." I said really coldly. Nattie gasped,
"Stereotyping?" she folded her arms over her chest and shifted her weight off to one side, Sabrina was doing the same,
I laughed, "Stating a fact, a cold hard fact. Just listen to yourself." I smirked then tugged at Josh's arm,
"C'mon, we are totally better than them, because Nattie just can't share what isn't hers anymore." I stared her down then walked away, Josh at my side.
"Wow." Josh looked at me and our hands together, "Wow."
I looked at him, "It's that hard to win a fight..." I smirked up at Josh, then pecked him on the cheek,
Josh smiled, "Guess we are together?" he asked, hopefully,
I shrugged, "I guess." then the bell rang, so we walked towards our next class, getting ready for another 'fun' filled day.

The morning was a complete drag, it was utter work and lots of group work. I didn't really have a problem with it but, who really likes writing responses on every chapter of a book and getting feedback? I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear then asked Josh to grab me a laptop so I can start writing some things up. When I logged on I went on You tube and typed up: Tough Lover-Burlesque Soundtrack, I really like this song, I should learn to sing it. I let the music take me over, and I totally zoned out until I felt a light tap on my arm,
"Lizzy..." It was Josh,
I tugged out my ear piece, "Yes?" I turned towards him,
Josh pointed to his screen, it was pulled up to a page, it was his first class inbox, I read quickly through the names, mostly just his buddies names but then I saw the name, Natalie Syoms, I put my index finger on the little mouse pad and clicked on the message and read it,
To, Lizzy.
Ya OK, you know what, your in for it, girl.
You better watch your back, because you have no friends, just Josh. And he's a wimp.
You just think you can walk into this school with your little, I think I should be a good girl because I'm from a private school, and you just think you can rule this school... well your wrong there. You can't do that. I rule this place.
I started to laugh and I swirled around in my chair and looked at Nattie, who was looking at me,
"That's funny. The blonde is territorial too! By the way, Nattie, say this to my face, I'd love it to hear this." I smirked, and Nattie started to bite her lip, Josh was looking at me and then Nattie, Sabrina was flaring her nostrils,
Nattie jolted up and leaned against her desk, "Bring it." she smirked, her eyes flaring with revenge.
I got up and walked over to her, "Let's go!" I put my hands on my hips, Josh came up behind me and lightly touched my arm,
"Let's not do this, Lizzy..." he whispered in my ear,
Nattie stared at us with envy, "How 'bout you listen to him, Lizzy. So you can be a wimp like him!" she had a evil ring to her voice. I glared at her,
"No, after school tomorrow, lets go!" I smiled at her, and then putting my arms across my chest, Nattie nodded and sat down, then I walked towards my desk, Josh following me,
"You shouldn't do this..." he looked at me worriedly,
I looked at him with cold eyes, "Print that message off." I had a plan. Then Josh got another message from her saying,
I hope your not a chicken, better see you there, tomorrow!
I rolled my eyes, "Print that one out too..." Josh nodded and printed them both out then went to go get them.

After school, I wanted Josh to come over, I needed him, he had football practise so I phoned my mom to pick me up after his practise. Josh and I walked towards the lower fields, hand in hand. We walked towards his group, they were all in their football gear, everyone of them laughed,
"I told you guys!" Ryan laughed, "Todd, I win, pay up!" Ryan held out his hand towards Todd and Todd slapped a 5 dollar bill in his palm, I laughed,
"You guys had bets!" Josh laughed, I looked up at him and wrapped my other arm around his. Then the coach came over,
"Little lady off of the field, unless you want to join too?" he smiled, I snorted and held up my hands in surrender,
"Nah, I'm good!" then I gave Josh a brief look, and he kissed me on the lips, "Be safe, Yogi." I muttered to him, and he nodded, then I jogged towards the bleachers. Josh jogged towards the change rooms and in about 20 minutes, he came out with his gear on, on the back it said,
I blushed, he looks so hot in his gear, I leaned my head on my hand and watched them practise.

Football practise was done and I had to wait a long time for Josh to get changed. Ryan was out instantly, so I started to talk to him,
"Your funny." he smiled at me, I shrugged,
"Ya your funny looking!" I punched his shoulder, and he grabbed me by the waist and threw me on his shoulder then ran the length of the field, I was screaming, let me go! Then when he did I slapped him,
"Now I have to walk back!" I pouted, and I saw Josh coming out of the change rooms, looking for me,
Ryan laughed and rubbed his cheek then I started to walk,
"Stop flirting with me Ryan." I said, madly, Josh saw me, and waved towards me, and I waved back. Ryan was behind me,
"I'm not." he was smiling,
I looked at him, "Go away." and he stopped in his tracks,
"What's wrong with you?" he asked me,
I stopped, "Go." I looked mad,
Then he touched my shoulder and I shrugged it away then he grabbed me by the shoulder,
"Get off of me!" I yelled, I heard Josh's faint yells in the background, Ryan grabbed my other shoulder and forced himself on me, and I screamed,
Ryan gruffed, "Shut up." he whispered in my ear, and I kicked him hard in the chins, making him yell and fall, then I turned and sprinted, I'm a pretty fast runner. I saw more of Josh now, and Todd and his other friends were all looking at me, Josh started to jog towards me,
"Lizzy!" he called and I jumped into his arms,
"Ryan! He forced himself on me!" I puffed, I was breathing quite hard, Todd and the other friends were looking at me, then Ryan then Josh,
"Let's go, now." I whispered in Josh's ear, he nodded and grabbed his football bag with one hand and the other arm around my waist. I used the back of my hand to wipe away the sweat that was forming on my brow.

My mom drove Josh and I towards my house,
"So, Josh, you play football?" my mom asked, she knows that we are dating,
Josh nodded, "Yes." I smiled at him and then my mom started to ask him alot of more questions like about his grades and parents. We finally got into the driveway, we all got out, and I helped Josh with his bags. Then we walked into the house, took off our shoes and left our bags by the front door. Josh and I walked towards my bedroom, then my mom called,
"Supper's in a hour!" and I called back,
"OK! Sounds good!" then I shut the door, I walked over to my radio and turned on Nickelback then sat on bed beside Josh, who was looking around my room,
"Nice room." Josh commented,
I smiled, "Thanks." then I got up again and got a piece of lined paper and a pen, "Do you want to know my plan?" I asked him,
Josh nodded, then grabbed the two pieces of paper he printed out today and handed it to me,
"Thanks." then I started to explain the plan, "So I'll go into the office in the morning, show them these papers then tell them to come to fight, but hide. And I'll make Nattie make the first move so she'll get suspended or something!" I beamed, "Great plan, eh?"
Josh nodded again, "Sounds good, Tiger!" he winked, "I just can't believe Ryan did this to you!" he shook his head, I put my hand on his shoulder,
"You see, I bet Nattie told him to make it look like I was cheating on you, because she did say that I only have you!" I pointed out quickly,
Josh sighed, "Oh." then he leaned into me, and kissed my lips, I kissed him back, but then, I pulled back because my mom called me,
Josh sighed again and got with me, and we went to go eat some dinner.

The next day came and went quickly, I went into the office and they totally backed me up, then it became the end of the day. I wasn't at all nervous. When I got to place with Josh and his crew, Josh by my side and holding my hand, Nattie and Sabrina were there, with sure enough, a huge crowd. Probably the whole grade. I sighed and walked quickly towards Nattie and smirked,
"Your going down, Lizzy." Nattie spat and rolled up her sleeves,
I chuckled, "Your probably going to back a couple of nails today!" I inspected my nail bed, it was alright. Today I wasn't wearing anything new, I was just wearing, again, sweats and a baggy top. I took out my lip ring because just in case her first move was to rip it out. Ouch! I took a step closer towards her,
"Let's go blondie!" I laughed, then I looked back towards Josh, and blew him a kiss and a wink. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw the principal in the bushes, just waiting for the moment for Nattie to punch me. Nattie glared at me, then looked me up and down, and I shifted my weight to one side and arms across my chest, totally casual. Then she spat on the ground and looked at Josh, then swung at me, missing. I laughed harder then looked back at Josh, his hands clenched again. Then when I was totally not watching Nattie, she swung a fist at me again and hit me in the face. Then I fell down. I quickly got up and whamed her right in the nose, making her black out. Then I stepped back, rubbing my face, I heard alot of people wooting and laughing at Nattie. Josh came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, his crew looking at me. Then I saw Ryan and gave him a cool glare, but he didn't make eye-contact with me. Then I turned around and told the principal to come out and take Nattie in.

It was a long time in the office. Once Nattie re-woke, she was expelled for punching me, then bringing a huge group to watch the fight. That will teach her something! All I got was a good job for standing up to her and a black eye. I've decided to make a awareness group to help STOP bulling. It's called, Bullying STOPS Now! Josh and I run it! I've also made a couple new girl friends, Abby and Hope! They also help me run the organisation with me! Josh and I are still going stronge. I love him.

Please help stop bullying and if you are being bullied, don't take it, stand up to the people. Bullying hurts, make it stop now!