Friday, 30 September 2011

Against everyone. Let me shine.

Everyone holds me back, I just want to shine. Everyday, I count by two and tye my shoes, I already know this stuff, so let me shine. I've been down this road before, too many times. The head office hold me back because of my attuide, and my parents agree. All I say is, LET ME SHINE. I'm against everyone's opion. Because mine only matters to me. Just because I'm not worth my parents time, I am not stupid. Not at all close. Stupid world! I am sharp as a pencil! Boys all around me check me out because I'm pretty, then when they ask my grade, I say 4. Then they are taken aback and walk out the door. I am supposed to be in grade 8, but I'm too late to start now. The admins hold me back because I'm just so mad at them, my mom always says, 'Be nice to the teachers, because they are the one that is marking your work!'. But I do my work, and get A's. But they still don't understand my modifications. I'm built for grade 4, appearently. I will never understand, I will never grow up. May as well go to Never Ever Land.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

I want you back...

Everyday, I think and tap my pen agaisnt my desk. Thinking about what to write, then finally, I've got it. I've got this story in my head, and I start to jolt down words after words, sentences after sentences. I'm writing a story about you, how badly I want you back in my life, not some stupid corpse that shows that your dead. I want your soul implanted into your body again. It's just so hard to watch you die before my eyes. It's so hard for me not to cry right now. I just want your warm smile greeting me everyday, I just want you to hold me and tell me that I'm pretty. But some cold hearted person thought that it was your time to die. You were never a negitive person, maybe that was the reason why you died? I just want you to see me now. I want you to know that I'm safe and okay. You know everything about me, and I know everything about you. You were my best friend. My soulmate. Now it's all gone... All I want is, and all I'm asking is, for you back.
I want you back.