Everyday, I think and tap my pen agaisnt my desk. Thinking about what to write, then finally, I've got it. I've got this story in my head, and I start to jolt down words after words, sentences after sentences. I'm writing a story about you, how badly I want you back in my life, not some stupid corpse that shows that your dead. I want your soul implanted into your body again. It's just so hard to watch you die before my eyes. It's so hard for me not to cry right now. I just want your warm smile greeting me everyday, I just want you to hold me and tell me that I'm pretty. But some cold hearted person thought that it was your time to die. You were never a negitive person, maybe that was the reason why you died? I just want you to see me now. I want you to know that I'm safe and okay. You know everything about me, and I know everything about you. You were my best friend. My soulmate. Now it's all gone... All I want is, and all I'm asking is, for you back.
I want you back.
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