Tuesday, 15 November 2011

New Life.

Her new life in heaven. All over again, no regrets, no worries. A totally new life. It's amazing in a way, if you put in words that are only positive. But Kim still remembers her death, it was a cold hit to the water, the safety seatbelt wrapped around her neck and snapped it, then everything else was black. No more worrying, but she died right infront of her little boys eyes. She could just hear him cry, it was ringing in her ears. These memories made Kim's eyes well up in tears at all of the memories of her little boy grow up. At least he has family he can turn to, if his father died too. Kim just really wanted to die in her husband's arms, but no, her husband, John was on a business trip and Kim and her son, Riley were flying to meet him.

Kim will never see her loved ones anymore, but she will in heaven when they die too.

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