Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Utterly Impossible <---My Memoirs Ch.1

As I run my fingers threw my hair, thinking about what I just done, sweat forming on my brow, as they call out my name on the loud speakers, technically booming in my ears, making them ring. My teacher gave me a tight smile and a evil eye then nodding towards door. I jolted my chair back, making it crash to the ground, breaking the silence in the classroom. Everyone looked at me, and I blushed a tad. Then I quickly walked out of the room, running my hands down my pants so my hands wouldn't be so sweaty. I walked into the office and the teacher gives me a stern look and nods towards a chair, I nodded and sat down, looking very worried and nervous. I had questions swarming in my head. What will happen? Will I get into alot of trouble? How bad can this get? Well I guess I'll have to face the music sooner or later. It's going to be sooner because Mr. Dean, the principal just called me into his office. Oh no.

Ok so, it wasen't so bad. Actually it wasen't even about what I did! It was about this fight between these two boys. Both of them are my best guy buds. I don't really know what happened, but the Admins thought they'd question me since I'm such good friends with them! I sighed in relief and shuffled out of the room. I don't really want to go back to class, I don't exactly care what people think about me. So I just walk to my locker, grab my things and just walk right out of the school's front doors. No one stopped me,  I pulled my hood over my head and jogged off of the school grounds.

I didn't want to go back home, so I didn't, my parents are both working so there isn't exactly anything to do there. I didn't know where to exactly go at all. So I just decided to walk around, I pulled out my I-pod and cell phone, turned up the music and checked my text messages. Nothing in my inbox so I put it back in my bag. I nodded my head slightly to the beat. I didn't hear anything, just my dubstep music. All I remember was a dark hand covering my whole face and snatching me up.

To be continued. :)

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