Today, when I was walking, talking and sighing, down the street, I looked to my side and saw a famous singer on a billboard. I thought to myself, 'I want to be like her!' But I knew I could never be it. Then I finally had the guts to ask my parents for singing lessons. So I kept going each week. Each week I kept getting better, my voice was coming along! 'Finally, I'm good enough!' I thought to myself after practice. I tossed my brown mane behind my shoulder, smiling.
Once I started to sing, my faveorite song: You and I by Lady Gaga, the crowd was so surprised on how powerful and unique my voice is! Everyone stopped talking instantly and listened. When the song was over, the audience cheered, and I even got some standing ovations! What if, this will be my career! Best Day Ever!
When I went into the local music store, where I get my singing lessons from, everyone looked at me. I'm kinda of a shy person at first, so this was a very embarrassing thing for me. I hurried into the studio room, and silently closed the door. There was my music teacher, Ms. Wu, and two men in black tuxs. I blinked, "What's happening?" I looked at Ms. Wu. She smilied a great smile, "You've been noticed, Renee!" I looked confused as I looked at the two men, one of them spoke, the shorter one of the two, "We heard you sing yesterday! Your amazing! Come to Las Vegas and follow your dreams!" I smilied, "Really?" I was jumping up and down in exictment, Ms. Wu got up and hugged me, tightly, "Congrats!" she whispered in my ear. After the lesson and the big news, I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom and told her the news.
I like the idea, and it was well spoken but could still use some detail :)