One day when I was walking down the street, the most unusual thing happened. I saw a white and pink unicorn, landing on a cloud. Then it spoke, in a deep man voice, "Hi, I'm Bob. And you are?" I was so freaked out, I almost wet myself. Instead, I screamed and ran away. When I looked back, the unicorn named Bob was chasing after me running like a retartdeit up you stupid human! I can't run like you!" I wouldn't stop, then when I looked behind me again and I saw a trail of water, it was me. Then unicorn stopped, looked at the trail of water, and ran the other direction. I blushed in embarrassment then ran into the bushes by my house and pulled out my blackberry phone and called my mom and explained, all she said was, "Good job honey." then hung up. My mom brought me a pair of pants and walked me into the house, laughing. I shook my head, 'Nice mother...' I thought to myself. I just couldn't get that retarded unicorn named Bob, out of my head. I think I need a new brain. I took two Q-Tips out of my drawer and cleaned out my ears after my shower. Trying not to think about what just happened. Even though it like scarred me, for life.
The next day, when I was walking to school in the morning, I saw Bob the Retared Unicorn again, and I manned up and said "Goooo away!" then the unicorn laughed, "No. Your the chosen one, Aniken Skywalker, the chosen one to rule Unicorn Land!" and then I just shook my head, "What the ballises!!!" I walked away, "This is a werid week!" Bob trotted after me, "Aniken!" I stopped, "My name is not Aniken it's John!" The retared unicorn shook his head, "No it's not!" I stopped, "Look at my birth pages and it will tell you! Now go away, I'm late for school!" Bob nodded and walked away then muttered, "I'll be back." All I thought was, 'Creeper'.
As I got to school, the bell rang for the late-comers to tell them that they are late. I shuffled into the office to get a pink late slip for my teacher then speed walked down the halls because we weren't allowed to run in the halls, into my class. I looked at the door just to make sure I was in the right place, because I already once went into the wrong class. Ms. Huckle Room 423. Ok right class! I walked in and handed Ms. Huckles my late slip, sat down and got to work. Writing is my pet peeve because I don't like the topics Ms. Huckle gives us, they are all academic and boring. I like writing about super heros and supernatural people. I don't know why, it just intrigues me. After class, I went outside for the 15 minute break and not very surpisingly, I saw Bob. "Oh, what a surpise?!" I muttered, sucking on my juice box. Bob walked over to me, "You've gotta listen to me, Aniken!" I shook my head, "No. I don't." I chucked out my juice box in the recycling and walked into the school, "Don't follow me." As I saw Bob walk after me. I pointed to the 'No horses in school grounds' sign, "Your not allowed here, so go away, before someone captures you and takes you away!" Bob nodded, "Ok, see you later." and walked away, retartedly. A week past and I didn't see Bob the Retarted Unicorn anymore.
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