Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Jingle Bells Remix- Oh Heck No

Christmas Carol Remix
Jingle Bells (Oh Heck No.)

Driving through the mud in my new Mercedes,
Over the fields we go,
Listening to LMFAO.
Honking our horns,
While making kids cry.
What fun it is to laugh and sing,
A sleepless song tonight.

Oh heck no, we won’t go,
Handcuffed all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride in a cop car oh hey hey.

Oh heck no, we won’t go,
Handcuffed all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride in a cop car oh hey hey.

A couple days ago,
I’d thought I’d take a ride,
On my Daddy’s fat bride.

My daddy was seated by my side,
The donkey was fat and stubby,
I decided to get married and call him my hubby,

We got in a lot fights,
And then we got divorced,
And took all his money.

Oh heck no, we won’t go,
Handcuffed all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride in a cop car oh hey hey.

Oh heck no, we won’t go,
Handcuffed all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride in a cop car oh hey hey.

Merry Christmas to all illegal people!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Christmas Story: In a Snowflakes Point of View

One day, the weather changed violently. I did as I commanded, I jumped out of the cold, fluffy clouds and started my journey down to earth. I fluttered down, turning and twirling. Being swept around by the wind. My extraordinary lines sparkle in the light. This is my first trip to Earth, and it's a long jorney. I see my brothers and sisters flutter around me, I kindly waved to them.

I finally saw the end of my line. The ground was coming fast, too fast. Alot of my family members have already hit the ground, then I hit it. It wasen't hard, and it wasen't soft. I hit in Canada, in a huge snowbank that the snow plowes made to clear the roads. So I guess this is my end of my life. Bye world!

Utterly Impossible <---My Memoirs Ch.1

As I run my fingers threw my hair, thinking about what I just done, sweat forming on my brow, as they call out my name on the loud speakers, technically booming in my ears, making them ring. My teacher gave me a tight smile and a evil eye then nodding towards door. I jolted my chair back, making it crash to the ground, breaking the silence in the classroom. Everyone looked at me, and I blushed a tad. Then I quickly walked out of the room, running my hands down my pants so my hands wouldn't be so sweaty. I walked into the office and the teacher gives me a stern look and nods towards a chair, I nodded and sat down, looking very worried and nervous. I had questions swarming in my head. What will happen? Will I get into alot of trouble? How bad can this get? Well I guess I'll have to face the music sooner or later. It's going to be sooner because Mr. Dean, the principal just called me into his office. Oh no.

Ok so, it wasen't so bad. Actually it wasen't even about what I did! It was about this fight between these two boys. Both of them are my best guy buds. I don't really know what happened, but the Admins thought they'd question me since I'm such good friends with them! I sighed in relief and shuffled out of the room. I don't really want to go back to class, I don't exactly care what people think about me. So I just walk to my locker, grab my things and just walk right out of the school's front doors. No one stopped me,  I pulled my hood over my head and jogged off of the school grounds.

I didn't want to go back home, so I didn't, my parents are both working so there isn't exactly anything to do there. I didn't know where to exactly go at all. So I just decided to walk around, I pulled out my I-pod and cell phone, turned up the music and checked my text messages. Nothing in my inbox so I put it back in my bag. I nodded my head slightly to the beat. I didn't hear anything, just my dubstep music. All I remember was a dark hand covering my whole face and snatching me up.

To be continued. :)

Friday, 25 November 2011


As my owner kicked up me on his foot, I silently rest there and listen to the people talk around me. I watched other skateboards being thrown around and kicked up on ramps, it sorta looked fun, I thought. I heard the wheels rolling on the gravel and laughing.

To Be Contined

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

New Life.

Her new life in heaven. All over again, no regrets, no worries. A totally new life. It's amazing in a way, if you put in words that are only positive. But Kim still remembers her death, it was a cold hit to the water, the safety seatbelt wrapped around her neck and snapped it, then everything else was black. No more worrying, but she died right infront of her little boys eyes. She could just hear him cry, it was ringing in her ears. These memories made Kim's eyes well up in tears at all of the memories of her little boy grow up. At least he has family he can turn to, if his father died too. Kim just really wanted to die in her husband's arms, but no, her husband, John was on a business trip and Kim and her son, Riley were flying to meet him.

Kim will never see her loved ones anymore, but she will in heaven when they die too.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

I wanna puppy

Dear, Momma and Daddy

Well, I think you sorta already know what I'm
gonna say to you! So can I?

Love, your dearest daughter

Dear, my daughter

Well, daughter we don't think you are ready for a puppy!
Your going to have to show us that your ready!

Love, Momma and Daddy

Dear, Momma and Daddy

I AM ready! I'll show you, I'll prove it to you!
By the way, I really want a small dog that'll play with me
and I will love it, and feed it and play with it and call it
my very own!

Love, your daughter that REALLY wants a puppy!

Dear, Daughter

It's almost your birthday. Wait and see.

Love, Momma and Daddy

Dear, Momma and Daddy

If I have too....

*Day of Birthday*

*Ruff Ruff*

"It's a puppy!" screams the girl, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" hugs the dog.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I have to cross the Creek

'My gosh.' the white mare, named Heaven, trotted up the path, 'How could I loose them?' she thought, looking around, smelling the air, trampling everything in her path. She tossed her mane around and swished her tail. Then she met up with the creek, the dreaded creek. The creek with slime and prickly bushes surrounding the creek. It's probebly only dreaded to white coated horses because well, white horses are really hard to clean! But, she heard thudding hooves on the ground and snorts and neighs, so Heaven must cross this stupid, disgusting creek! Heaven looked around, confused on how to run at the creek. 'Ahh, what the heck.' she backed up quite a bit then went into a full tilt gallop towards the creek. Heaven was a pretty fast Mustang, Mustangs were born to run! Right before Heaven almost fell into the creek, at the edge, she pushed off with all of her strength with her hind quarters and leaped into the air. Soaring she nickered to herself, saying 'Right on!' as she was technically flying through the air. She could taste the wind, and the waterfall churning the water below her. Some of the water hit Heaven in the face but, that felt refreshing! The neighs weren't so distant now. Heaven could see the other side of the creek, finally. Heaven wished her herd could see her now, gliding over this huge creek. Then that aderline feeling stopped, instandly. When Heaven was so into her day dreams, she must have not been prepared to land. Heaven topped to the ground, rolling over and stumbling over things. Grunting, as she got up, she shook her whole body then looked herself over briefly, nothing really harmful, just maybe a couple cuts on her flank and her knees. Nothing too serious!

Heaven looked around once more, catching her breath and reviewing her new surrondings. Then again, she heard neighs, quite loud. Heaven loped towards the sounds, and bursted through the bushes, ears perked she saw her heard. Heaven reared in delight at the sight of normal faces. Then galloped towards them, bucking while running. What a sight! Heaven loved her herd, like family, heck! They are family!

     Family are always there for you, they will always welcome you back into their life, they will always love you. No matter what!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Discover Your Self

Today, when I was walking, talking and sighing, down the street, I looked to my side and saw a famous singer on a billboard. I thought to myself, 'I want to be like her!' But I knew I could never be it. Then I finally had the guts to ask my parents for singing lessons. So I kept going each week. Each week I kept getting better, my voice was coming along! 'Finally, I'm good enough!' I thought to myself after practice. I tossed my brown mane behind my shoulder, smiling.

Once I started to sing, my faveorite song: You and I by Lady Gaga, the crowd was so surprised on how powerful and unique my voice is! Everyone stopped talking instantly and listened. When the song was over, the audience cheered, and I even got some standing ovations! What if, this will be my career! Best Day Ever!

When I went into the local music store, where I get my singing lessons from, everyone looked at me. I'm kinda of a shy person at first, so this was a very embarrassing thing for me. I hurried into the studio room, and silently closed the door. There was my music teacher, Ms. Wu, and two men in black tuxs. I blinked, "What's happening?" I looked at Ms. Wu. She smilied a great smile, "You've been noticed, Renee!" I looked confused as I looked at the two men, one of them spoke, the shorter one of the two, "We heard you sing yesterday! Your amazing! Come to Las Vegas and follow your dreams!" I smilied, "Really?" I was jumping up and down in exictment, Ms. Wu got up and hugged me, tightly, "Congrats!" she whispered in my ear. After the lesson and the big news, I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom and told her the news.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cookies are Superific!

My faveorite food is inner most postively love, COOKIES! Cookies are superific, I really like chococlate/ oatmeal ones. But Cookies don't like me! I'm severly allergic to them, but I don't care! It's like my friend who is allergic to pineapple, but she eats it anyways! One day, when I ate a cookie, I swelled all up and got red splotches on me. I was rushed to the hospital and my doctor said 'No more cookies!' but I sneek cookies all the time. I really love cookies! So, whatever. I will eat cookies all I want. Which means frequent trips to the hospital.

Silliness with Q-Tips. (Retarted Unicorn)

One day when I was walking down the street, the most unusual thing happened. I saw a white and pink unicorn, landing on a cloud. Then it spoke, in a deep man voice, "Hi, I'm Bob. And you are?" I was so freaked out, I almost wet myself. Instead, I screamed and ran away. When I looked back, the unicorn named Bob was chasing after me running like a retartdeit up you stupid human! I can't run like you!" I wouldn't stop, then when I looked behind me again and I saw a trail of water, it was me. Then unicorn stopped,  looked at the trail of water, and ran the other direction. I blushed in embarrassment then ran into the bushes by my house and pulled out my blackberry phone and called my mom and explained, all she said was, "Good job honey." then hung up. My mom brought me a pair of pants and walked me into the house, laughing. I shook my head, 'Nice mother...' I thought to myself. I just couldn't get that retarded unicorn named Bob, out of my head. I think I need a new brain. I took two Q-Tips out of my drawer and cleaned out my ears after my shower. Trying not to think about what just happened. Even though it like scarred me, for life.

The next day, when I was walking to school in the morning, I saw Bob the Retared Unicorn again, and I manned up and said "Goooo away!" then the unicorn laughed, "No. Your the chosen one, Aniken Skywalker, the chosen one to rule Unicorn Land!" and then I just shook my head, "What the ballises!!!" I walked away, "This is a werid week!" Bob trotted after me, "Aniken!" I stopped, "My name is not Aniken it's John!" The retared unicorn shook his head, "No it's not!" I stopped, "Look at my birth pages and it will tell you! Now go away, I'm late for school!" Bob nodded and walked away then muttered, "I'll be back." All I thought was, 'Creeper'.

As I got to school, the bell rang for the late-comers to tell them that they are late. I shuffled into the office to get a pink late slip for my teacher then speed walked down the halls because we weren't allowed to run in the halls, into my class. I looked at the door just to make sure I was in the right place, because I already once went into the wrong class. Ms. Huckle Room 423. Ok right class! I walked in and handed Ms. Huckles my late slip, sat down and got to work. Writing is my pet peeve because I don't like the topics Ms. Huckle gives us, they are all academic and boring. I like writing about super heros and supernatural people. I don't know why, it just intrigues me. After class, I went outside for the 15 minute break and not very surpisingly, I saw Bob. "Oh, what a surpise?!" I muttered, sucking on my juice box. Bob walked over to me, "You've gotta listen to me, Aniken!" I shook my head, "No. I don't." I chucked out my juice box in the recycling and walked into the school, "Don't follow me." As I saw Bob walk after me. I pointed to the 'No horses in school grounds' sign, "Your not allowed here, so go away, before someone captures you and takes you away!" Bob nodded, "Ok, see you later." and walked away, retartedly. A week past and I didn't see Bob the Retarted Unicorn anymore.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Response on the Book

I really liked the book because it has a moral to it, and tells us a little bit about how to 'spruce' up our writing! The moral was: nothing is ever boring. The book was very fun to listen to, because I really like books, and I like to read. It really hooked me in when 'the teacher' used her fake British accent, even though it was sorta weak! Overall, I think this is a good book, and you should read another one soon!

Friday, 30 September 2011

Against everyone. Let me shine.

Everyone holds me back, I just want to shine. Everyday, I count by two and tye my shoes, I already know this stuff, so let me shine. I've been down this road before, too many times. The head office hold me back because of my attuide, and my parents agree. All I say is, LET ME SHINE. I'm against everyone's opion. Because mine only matters to me. Just because I'm not worth my parents time, I am not stupid. Not at all close. Stupid world! I am sharp as a pencil! Boys all around me check me out because I'm pretty, then when they ask my grade, I say 4. Then they are taken aback and walk out the door. I am supposed to be in grade 8, but I'm too late to start now. The admins hold me back because I'm just so mad at them, my mom always says, 'Be nice to the teachers, because they are the one that is marking your work!'. But I do my work, and get A's. But they still don't understand my modifications. I'm built for grade 4, appearently. I will never understand, I will never grow up. May as well go to Never Ever Land.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

I want you back...

Everyday, I think and tap my pen agaisnt my desk. Thinking about what to write, then finally, I've got it. I've got this story in my head, and I start to jolt down words after words, sentences after sentences. I'm writing a story about you, how badly I want you back in my life, not some stupid corpse that shows that your dead. I want your soul implanted into your body again. It's just so hard to watch you die before my eyes. It's so hard for me not to cry right now. I just want your warm smile greeting me everyday, I just want you to hold me and tell me that I'm pretty. But some cold hearted person thought that it was your time to die. You were never a negitive person, maybe that was the reason why you died? I just want you to see me now. I want you to know that I'm safe and okay. You know everything about me, and I know everything about you. You were my best friend. My soulmate. Now it's all gone... All I want is, and all I'm asking is, for you back.
I want you back.